New Emuloader v8.4.7 is out!

Emuloader is a multi-system / multi-emulator front end capable of run most of the great emulators in existance. It’s not hard to setup and you can have the privilige of having all your games in one place. You can get the latest release on the link below:

| Download EmuLoader v8.4.7 |

Want to see what’s new on this version? Click on “continue reading” below.

Proper detection of “Board ROMs” on game sets that use “model2” ROMs; “SEGA Model 2” system
– you must re-create games list fix this
– this is a cosmetic fix, ROMs validation is not affected
Fixes and tweaks to Game Details screen
– missing parent setname text not showing in left panel if parent zip file is not found
– SHA-1 checksum generated for zipped EmuCon console/computer games (32 MegaBytes max file size)
– bios/device icon indexes were switched in left column
– “Bios CHD” file was tagged as “Device CHD”; cosmetic fix

“Create MAME/HBMAME/Demul Games List” updates
– improved detection of sets with CRC32 collisions, a new file created “arcade\games\systemname_crc32collision.txt”
– added a “devicename” tag for each device ROM entry for proper SHA-1 validation (MAME)
– added “feature patelle” tag detection in -listxml output to fix missing “color status” (MAME v0.194 and newer)
– optimizations and code cleanup
MAME and arcade games files validation system changes and fixes (games audit)
– device sets not scanned correctly when auditing a single game (MAME) – device ROMs are now properly validated and game sets are no longer tagged as “available” if a device ROM is missing (MAME)
– device and bios zip file list contents (CRC32/SHA-1) are now loaded into RAM only once when validating multiple games, for faster access
– CRC32 collision detection and SHA-1 validation for device/bios ROMs; game ROMs are not yet supported (MAME and Demul)
– game files are unzipped directly into a “TMemoryStream” var (RAM), so SHA-1 checksums can be generated
– several optimizations and code cleanup

Old commented code cleanup
